Thursday 27 March 2008

On Confidence - A story of confidence & ego

Dear friend,

It has been sometime since my posting. A lot has been going on with projects work and non-work related so I’ve been out of the blogging scene. I do however still have my memories and today I am going to talk about how balance is a key part of ones life and over stepping the mark out of tune with what the universe expects of you will just land you straight back on your ass.

Confidence is a great trait to have. To be bold and stand in the face of fear through confidence is wonderful. To be positive and to have goals is also a great way to keep the mind busy, develop your own ability and maybe even give back your teachings and learning’s to others.

The problem occurs when the confidence is overdone. I remember a story from my own life. I remember going through a good 6 month straight patch of just positive thinking, goal achieving, public speaking, winning projects and doing well in almost all aspects of life.

Toward the end of my reign about month 5 or 6 something happened. One evening I was at a corporate event and for some reason I just seemed to have lost all my confidence. No matter how much reframing I did, no matter how much I reprogrammed myself I could not just not get myself back to the same state.

I took it as a bad day and thought the next day would be better. Uh uh, no way. I just seemed to have lost my power. A week or so went by and I decided to look deep within and find out what exactly was the issue. Why was this happening to me. Why was I going from winning business, deals, getting dates, doing well financially to the other extreme or being dislikes, not doing well in social settings, losing deals and so on? Why was this happening?

After a deep inner dialogue and search it came to me. What I had done was to take my confidence and so called power get to my head. I became thinking of “self” more than anything. I disregarded everyone else in transactions I would undertake both in my social life and corporate life. I had let the ego take its form to the extreme polarity.

It was a great lesson learnt and I am very grateful that this experience happened to me. Everything requires balance. Sure it is great to be confident, however the difference is I started believing that “confidence” was who I was.

I was merely taking from the conscious self. The higher self knew better. The higher self knew that I was none of these things and as the situation became volatile the higher self bitch slapped me in my face and sat me back on my ass and said. “STFU and watch what is going on around you”.

Whenever there is an unbalance in our system our bodies tell us. The message can come through a disease, a neighbour, an email, a change in weather. It can come in many shapes and forms. The key is to be aware of this.

I am as much a confident as I am a good dancer. I cannot dance, but I can learn how to. As much as I am confident I am also lets say shit scared. Now it is upto us to balance this out.

Since my adventure which was about a year ago now, I have learnt that I can remain confident and still have empathy and this for us is key. Show empathy, show your love, your genuine interest and your confidence naturally shows.

The best way to judge whether you are being confident from the heart is to ask yourself this question. “When I sleep at night do I think that I am being fake”? This was a great one for me. Now this question also answers many other questions which I will be talking about in the coming month however that is a great one. “Do the people around me really know what I am like”?

Be yourself and your true self will shine. The higher self of confidence will take flight, the conscious flight will only come in every now and again.

I have since coached several key members of society on this matter and one of them clearly comes to mind. After reading books, watching audio books, going into self for almost 4 years he came to me and said “Consigno, I know it all”. This is too easy. I know everything there is to know. 3 months later, this person bitch slapped similar to me. He ended up getting fired from his job, gained 10Kg and even considered suicide.

After several consultations he was fine but the message to get here go with the belief that you are nothing and know nothing. This was you can always learn. This way you remain within, your inner being shines. People start asking you key questions, advice. They see your true being, they want to be like you.

It is a great gift. Remember, you never know everything. When your overconfidence creeps between that border when you lose yourself, you have one of two choices. Either you learn the hard way and get bitch slapped, or if you realise in time, you pull it back in balance.

There is nothing wrong with a bitch slap however if that same bitch slap happens again within the same circumstances then as the saying goes “only a fool makes the same mistake twice”.

Learn and move on.



Saturday 9 February 2008

Wake UP

What the fuck happened to us. We live in such a beautiful world, we can be anything we want to be. We have so much potential and yet we still feel eluded, our visions impured. What happened to the real men of this world. The beautiful women? They were always there you just became more and more disillusioned as the days went on.

You were born, conditioned, and boundaries were set into your existence. You fools. You were taught and educated that this and that are wrong, that we are useless, we will not achieve or be anything. We started losing our self respect, our emotions, we simply became a thing of existence with no values, nothing more than a thing that comprised of atoms which met the demands of expectations of the very few who had dreams. Did you have dream….ever? I bet you did. So what the fuck happened to them?

Wake the fuck up. Life is short, and damn do we evolve so quickly. Telephone, Ipods, mobile phones, blah blah blah. Where are you dreams. Start getting them out of your head and put those damn things into action.

We are beings, human beings with values, beliefs, intelligence and understanding. Wake up and become the person you always wanted to be.

A Doctor, a Pilot, a Philosopher, Nurse. C’mon, remember when you were a kid. You had fire, curiosity. Bring that back. Become the love you always were.

When you compare I do not hate you. It is not your fault. Sure your responsibility but not your fault. Your conditioning has enabled you judge and compare. Who know and feel there is an issue, you see it in your own being and voice when you are alone. Rise above it. You know it is not true, but yet you cannot stop comparing because it is so embed into your system you do not know how to get rid of it.

Why not start watching it and slowly watch it disappear. Why not start writing out what you want, who you want to become and look into it with a peace of mind and harmony.

It is not easy. It will not happen overnight. You maybe 18, 30, 40 or 70+ reading this. I do not care about age. That is in itself the conditioning you are raised. I am 40, I am old. What is the point of living my dream. All that bullshit you are conditioned to believe.

I do not care if you are 100, you still wanted to be something when you were a kid. You had dreams and ambitions. Make them fucking happen. Live your last moment like it is your last and when the time has come for you to go whether by force or other means you are more than happy as you have fulfilled your life.

If someone was to point a gun to your head now and pull the trigger, would you break out in a sweat and pray for your life, or would you go out with a nice big blissful smile. TIME TO WAKE UP.

There is no rush. Slowly and patiently you can do it. Fuck the global footprint, carbon emissions and the rest of the entertainment which the media fills you daily.

Take some solitude time to find out who you really are.

You are the best. There is no one like you born ever in existence. Become whatever you want to be.




Sunday 20 January 2008

Learnings From a Relationship breakup

I have not posted in sometime, however I have come to realise myself on an even deeper level. IT is so funny how when one is not intone with self, beliefs, ideologies and everything else for that matter is a miss.

I have just come out of a relationship and the amount I learnt about myself in the last month is truly amazing.

I am not back to my usual self. I am taking my teaching, sharing them with you and moving on, however I learnt a lot about the worlds of others and most importantly mine during this period.

So many relationships go on with the other at times being unhappy, yet they continue. They continue because maybe the other person believes that one day, that day being tomorrow will be ok, will be fine. The person will change, I will change. We will understand each other. Lets perceiver and it will be ok. They continue to be happy.

The underlying in most cases is the FEAR OF BEING ALONE. I was in a relationship for 7 months. A loving one. A fantastic women, an inspiration, a lover, a soul mate, however one day I just said that we are not right for each other. There is more to it, however the bottom line is we were not right for each other.

Only when we broke up could I see why so many people are in relationships that they do not want to be in. So many people in this world we live in are afraid of being alone, not being able to find someone else.

I remember a friend of mine after leaving his 3 year relationship, was down, depressed, sad and kept getting back together. I finally understood what it is like to have the fear of losing someone.

We have great times, ups and downs, laughter and cries, however we were just not right for each other. We wanted different things and as much as we loved each other we were just not right for each other.

We can continue for another 6 months, year or decade. However my unhappiness will eventually bring her unhappiness. Lets not leave todays sayings for tomorrow. I told her, and I remember clearly the moment I said “I am going to have to let you go” (internally).

She may not see it now, however 6 months, a year down the line I am sure she will find the right person. The person she is maybe in search for.

My father always said, “once the glass is broken, do not try and fit it”. I guess once it is broken no amount of superglue will put it together. Water will always seep through. Let it be.

I have so much gratitude towards this woman. She taught me so much. I learnt from her how to relax, where my ego played, and most of all from seeing how cool and composed she was I am now learning to relax with all my actions. To take my time.

If you are in relationship and you are unhappy, either change it to the way you want it to be, or just let it be for the sake of both of you. Life is short (depending on how you see it).

This blog post is a free flowing thought process.

I am not back to the same Cosigno as 2 months ago. I am however ever evolving with spiritual intelligence.

Bring on 2008.


Sunday 25 November 2007

Are you Perfect? - Consigno On Perfection


We are constantly struggling to “be perfect”. We abide by the law the best we can and so rightly we should. We look to be perfect at everything we do for what purpose.

This evening I challenge your thinking. I invite you see how everything was perfect to begin with, and nothing needs to be altered. I invite you to open your mind and soul to this.

The Beginning

I remember the days when I was at school and I would be asked a question by the teacher along the lines of “what is 2 x 3”. With my response being a “6, I would get a “perfect Consigno”, perfect, that is correct. Somewhere along the lines I started to think I was special and that people had an expectation of me to be perfect. This was the start of the system covering me with the invisible veil.

The above example is a true story and has happened to almost of all us. We are constantly struggling to be perfect so what happened?

The idea is installed into us. We are brought into the world having being taught that when you get things right you are “perfect” and when you get them wrong it is bad or wrong and we get a flurry of emotions pulling us from all angles.

When you look at a baby, you see someone pure. Language has not yet been installed and it constantly curious. It does whatever it wants. The baby will be not know right, wrong, perfect, special. It starts to learn these through its mother, school, TV. It begins to be conditioned into what society “expects” of him/her. What a bitch. All this time you thought you were free and now you are probably realising that you have been pre-conditioned.

You are not special

The first thing you must realise is that you are not special. The minute you see yourself as special, the unconscious separates you from all of existence. You see yourself as better or worse to others. To be unique I agree with, however to say or feel that you are special is nothing but ego and if you look deep you with find it manifesting inside.

The World is not Perfect…..WRONG

When I tell people the world is perfect people turn around and tell me how can it be when you have innocent people dying at war, hunger in Africa, aids and global warming. How can the world is perfect. Millions dying in Africa from starvation every week is not wrong. The emotions that we feel just by those bolded words about can get us in state of feeling sorry or sad about the thing and feeling that we should help in some way.

Guess what happens then. Marketing comes in and Oxfam kick in with their very cunning advertising campaigns. You see it on TV all the time. A bloated boy/girl with flies all over them. You get the commentators empathetic voice and a calm song in the background. You started feeling emotional, call the Toll free number and give your £15/$30 a month as a “token of good will” which makes you “feel good”. You see it again on your trains, shouting at you, “help me, donate”.

I say this, because I used to be one these people. I used to have a monthly direct debit coming out of my account going to some charity I had no idea about sold by someone on the street. How naïve. I was giving with the sole intent on getting something back.

The realisation only hit me after about 18 months after I originally signed up. Once I realised and my perception of the world changed, I setup my own charity where I would go lovingly with my group and feed the homeless. I would feel what it is like walking in the streets at 5am in the morning feeding the homeless in below -2 degrees. Then you truly realise the worth of touching a human soul.

I will admit it. I was also systemised. I followed the trend, always tried to fit in, until I WOKE UP. Now I choose to be in the system or out of it as I please. I enjoy both, however to think that this all that life is about is nothing but bullshit. So many of us have questions we want to answer.

So many of us decided to go back packing to china to find ourselves, when really all you have to do is have the guts to just take a look deep inside yourself. The answer is there. You will find it. It will not be easy at first, however only after the rain will you see the sunshine.

Heaven On Earth

I believe heaven is right here on earth. I experience it daily and we live in a beautiful world. Firstly you must realise that anything which creates an emotion of sorrow, neglect, happiness or anything else which makes you act or feel in a certain way has been created in you by your pre-conditioning at a young age.

This is the exact same reason that when you look newspapers and you see a headline such as “100 DIE IN WAR” or “DEBT REACHES NEW HEIGHTS” you get affected by. They are just words yet we allow ourselves to get moved and rattled by them.

What is the solution?

The first thing to do is take a look at yourself. Stop looking externally at the world and seeing the problem. The problem lies in you and guess what? For every problem there is a solution also and that lies in you too. Go deep in yourself and see what is the root cause of all these feeling you get.


The world you live in is perfect

The world we live in is perfect. Nothing needs to be changed. This is a deep realisation. It’s a state of being which you can achieve through self realisation. Being in love, being peaceful in self allows you the possibility to see the world as it is.

I invite you to look at the world different.


Wednesday 21 November 2007

WAKE UP…..It is not about YOU!!!

In life the majority focus so much on themselves that they forget about everyone else. There is an old saying that if you help enough people get to their goals in life and enable them to self realise then you will eventually get to your goals.

I remember I used to be one of these self centred people who thought I was special. I had the focus on me and “I” all the day. I always looked at me in the situation and saw other people to be the problem until I came to many self realisations which I will not go into detail now.

What I really want to get across to you however is start waking up to the fact the only way for you to realise yourself better is to watch, observe and witness your thoughts while your judgment kicks in on others.

Take the ME ME ME focus out. It is not about you. It is this self centred attitude and separation that so many people in the world have adopted that has simply made them all forget who they are and what their purpose in life is.

True happiness lies in getting others to their goals. If you look at the biggest and best leaders in the world, this is the one single most important thing you will hear them say. See what others want, get them there and you will be sure to see them get you to where you want to be.

Wake up NOW.

Do something different, challenge your thinking.


Thursday 8 November 2007

Why Women Sell Their Bodies and Men Pay For Sex

In the land of Love, we accept all without judgment, however we shall be talking from a different prospective today.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A Fireman, A Heart Surgeon, a Pilot, A Vet? What did you really jump up with joy when asked the question “What did you want to be when you grew up”? Are you that person, now, if not what happened?

You are born a shining star, a flower, always on the move, curious, happy, excited and most importantly you had ambition and passion in everything you did?

Slowly but surely you started to get challenged and started to be told you cannot do this and you cannot do that. You were told from a society prospective the meaning of failure and that when you set to do something and you do not achieve it is it failure.

Your conscious started to get attacked, your unconscious started to be transformed from the teaching from our families, friends, TV, books and so on. We slowly forgot our passion and desire for our ambition as we grew older and started to settle for less or average.

The seed of “hope” was planted into our heads, and then the lottery was created. The “hope” that with $1, Euro1, £1 you could maybe, just maybe win MILLIONS.

You forgot your ambition, you gave up just a little to early. Had you just gone on that little bit longer, you would have seen the light at the end of the tunnel.

You lost your values, your integrity, self respect and your own key morals.

Women sell their bodies as it can be seen as profession and some love what they do. Some, however simply do not.

These people are the ones that have lost not hope, but have lost faith. They to once had a dream.

How many women do you honestly think at the age of five say “Daddy, I want to be a working girl”?

How many boys at the age of seven say “Mummy, I want to pay for sex or be a pimp”.

Sure, in the world of no reason and the present moment, there is nothing wrong and the question is not whether it is right or wrong, however more a case of what may have happened.

At some point in your life, you were hurt somewhere and this changed your entire perception of both men and women.

A women was once cheated by from her boyfriend and beaten around. A year later she turned into a prostitute. Why, I do not know, however somewhere along the line her thoughts towards men changed, and she became a working girl.

A guy, did not have the confidence to go and find a girlfriend, so he uses the easy method and exchanges paper for sex. This is nothing other than short term gain. In the long run both parties lose out bigtime.

Women – You need no man to tell you that you look beautiful. You do not need confirmation from anyone. When you dress up and go out and look all fantastic with your make up, do not go out to compare yourself to other women. Be yourself and enjoy yourself.

So many times I will be out and the when I start speaking to these women, I slowly get them to a place there never thought existed. That inner beauty, where the heart starts singing and the inner voice and ego is quieted down by the music of the heart.

Do not sell yourself under any circumstances. You are better than this and you know it. Look at yourself in the mirror and I always say this…..say “I LOVE YOU”.

– Go out there and believe that you can get any women you set your mind to and there is no need to pay for sex. Be masculine men which you are and that women love and start conversations. Do not be wiped out of existence for your mere stupidity.

Start believing in yourself. Start believing that you can do anything you set your mind too. Find your ambition and go for it whatever it takes.

Hell is not this place you disappear to where the fire burns till eternity. Hell is merely not living out your dream.

Start living your passion and do not settle for anything else.


Tuesday 6 November 2007

On Office Politics

It exists and that it. It comes with the title of work or job. It is neither good or bad, it simply exists.

She said this, he said that, he got the promotion, she slept with….Office politics.

So many people see office politics as a negative and that is simply due to the fact that the association of the word “politics” is negative to almost everything around us.

I remember at my previous job, a highly competitive sales environment there was one guy by the name of Alex( pseudo name) who had understood office politics. His method however I was not so keen on.

He knew who to speak to, how to speak to them, what to speak about, however his drawback was that he had a tendency to speak negative about individuals and slowly once he gained your trust he would turn you against them. It was a clever strategy and he later told me that his belief is that “you do whatever it takes to get to the top” so that explains his method.

Karma in Politics

I agree, do whatever it takes, however stick to your principles and understand the basic rules of karma. Do not do to someone else what you do not what done to you, and if it is ok for you to talk about someone in a not so positive light then do not be amazed or surprised when words start flying around the office about you. If you have nothing good to say, shutup!

Remember, office politics exists. It is neither good or bad, it simply exists. You can see it however you want to see it, however my take is go out there and see office politics as something that will further your career.

The game of a “career” is just that. Something for you to aim for, and excel to higher positions. Without politics, your office world would not exist.

Yes, some people do it as they are bored at work, however these people fade out in the organisation very quickly, have no significance in the organisation and usually seen by senior management to simply make up the payroll and numbers.

Remember, office politics is your friend. When people start talking about their pay or other members of staff they are not fond of, what they are really doing is testing you to see if you break under the scrutiny and spill out your secrets.

Less is More

Do not avoid it as it will come after you, instead, acknowledge it, hear the person and move on. The best thing I find to say, is “I see, or I understand….”. You are not agreeing, you are merely a listener, and a listener merely feeds back to you what you just said. Speaking less here is in your favour.

Hold your Power

The less you say, the more you hold you power. If someone keeps talking to you about a certain person or situation in the office, if your response is demonstrating empathy with limited feedback from your end you are the one in control. You hold you position of power in the conversation.

If you look around your office you will see it is the people who do little talking that have the most respect within the organisation. They are a little mystical and at the same time when they speak you can see and feel the confidence in the voice.

These people also understand office politics jus like you. The listen, feed it back to you and move onto the task at hand.

Remember, office politics is your friend. It is not negative. Reframe it to be a positive. More on reframing later.

Be the best you can be,
