Saturday, 9 February 2008

Wake UP

What the fuck happened to us. We live in such a beautiful world, we can be anything we want to be. We have so much potential and yet we still feel eluded, our visions impured. What happened to the real men of this world. The beautiful women? They were always there you just became more and more disillusioned as the days went on.

You were born, conditioned, and boundaries were set into your existence. You fools. You were taught and educated that this and that are wrong, that we are useless, we will not achieve or be anything. We started losing our self respect, our emotions, we simply became a thing of existence with no values, nothing more than a thing that comprised of atoms which met the demands of expectations of the very few who had dreams. Did you have dream….ever? I bet you did. So what the fuck happened to them?

Wake the fuck up. Life is short, and damn do we evolve so quickly. Telephone, Ipods, mobile phones, blah blah blah. Where are you dreams. Start getting them out of your head and put those damn things into action.

We are beings, human beings with values, beliefs, intelligence and understanding. Wake up and become the person you always wanted to be.

A Doctor, a Pilot, a Philosopher, Nurse. C’mon, remember when you were a kid. You had fire, curiosity. Bring that back. Become the love you always were.

When you compare I do not hate you. It is not your fault. Sure your responsibility but not your fault. Your conditioning has enabled you judge and compare. Who know and feel there is an issue, you see it in your own being and voice when you are alone. Rise above it. You know it is not true, but yet you cannot stop comparing because it is so embed into your system you do not know how to get rid of it.

Why not start watching it and slowly watch it disappear. Why not start writing out what you want, who you want to become and look into it with a peace of mind and harmony.

It is not easy. It will not happen overnight. You maybe 18, 30, 40 or 70+ reading this. I do not care about age. That is in itself the conditioning you are raised. I am 40, I am old. What is the point of living my dream. All that bullshit you are conditioned to believe.

I do not care if you are 100, you still wanted to be something when you were a kid. You had dreams and ambitions. Make them fucking happen. Live your last moment like it is your last and when the time has come for you to go whether by force or other means you are more than happy as you have fulfilled your life.

If someone was to point a gun to your head now and pull the trigger, would you break out in a sweat and pray for your life, or would you go out with a nice big blissful smile. TIME TO WAKE UP.

There is no rush. Slowly and patiently you can do it. Fuck the global footprint, carbon emissions and the rest of the entertainment which the media fills you daily.

Take some solitude time to find out who you really are.

You are the best. There is no one like you born ever in existence. Become whatever you want to be.




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